Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Diabetes Police

The granddaughter (Sweetness & Light) stays with Mister Man and I every Thursday night and every other weekend so her mother can pull her12-hour shifts at the hospital. Sweetness is fascinated with my lancet and meter. She comes running at the sound of my test strip vile opening. “Can I help Nana?” I hand her the lancet and help her place it into position while she pushes the button. “Cool, blood” “Let me see the number” ….I’ve created my very own diabetes police in training. I was sure I would someday regret this, but I had no idea that I would be ‘sorry’ so soon. This morning I was sitting down to a breakfast of one egg, 1 piece of sausage and 1 waffle with sugar free syrup…. when Sweetness and Light asked me “you sure you can eat that Nana? It’s not going to mess up your blood is it?”

I found myself attempting to explain that I can eat carbs when I also have protein…to a 4-year-old. Oh hell…

In other news:

Am I the only person in America that HATES the aftertaste of Splenda? Or wait maybe a better question is…. Am I the only person in America that can actually TASTE the aftertaste of Splenda? Everywhere I turn people are toting the wonders of it…. it’s a miracle….tastes just like sugar. Ah….no….the emperor has no clothes….it doesn’t taste JUST like sugar. It tastes like the sweet chemical it is. Don’t get me wrong….I will use it when I must. And I must have pudding and Jello and coffee with sweetness and soda and tea….But I don’t have to be thrilled by it and I can wish that I wasn’t such a slave to sweetness and every morning when I have my coffee, take the first sip, swallow…. I wish I could learn to like drinking my coffee black.

I'm off and running tomorrow....have a wonderful weekend.


Kerri. said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere!

I have been trying to train myself to drink coffee black for about three months now. So far, all I've accomplished is talking myself out of putting cream and Splenda in it for about five minutes. Then I dump in the cream and curse out my tastebuds as I add the Splenda.

But I am trying.

I write Six Until Me. and I'll be adding your site to my blogroll tonight.

Good luck with your blog! I'll be back to check out your new posts.

-- Kerri.

Melodee said...

I can't really taste the aftertaste of Splenda, not like I could with other artificial sweetners, anyway.