Friday, June 30, 2006

Randomness for a Friday

I’m not noticing lows until my BG is in the 60’s. I’ve hit somewhere in the 70’s everyday for the last week…. of course most of the time it’s after I’ve had horrible control and my numbers have been hovering around the 200 mark. Just checked and I was at 74…. didn’t feel shaky at all. The only symptom that I had was hunger. That’s a major change from when my body would freak at a number in the 80’s or 90’s…. I’m just going to believe that for the most part that’s a good sign; a sign that I’m getting use to normal BG. Don’t tell me any different….Mkay?

My wedding ring no longer fits me. I need to get it resized but I’m going to wait until I drop this last 25 pounds. In the mean time, I’m ring-less because I’m afraid I’ll loose it.

I have to break down and go grocery shopping. I just haven’t had time but it’s getting pretty serious now since I have nothing in my fridge but condiments. Tons of salad dressings, low fat mayo and catsup. I have noodles of every variety from before D’day that I can’t bring myself to get rid of. And rice…. I must have a ton of rice. I tell myself I’m keeping it around because Mister Man shouldn’t be condemned to never eating rice again just because a teaspoon of it sends my glucose off the charts, but the truth is I do all the cooking (for the most part) and if I’m not making it…. he’s not eating it. Every so often I try to have a little…. maybe a few sushi rolls (my favorite) only to test and have confirmed what I already knew…. the diabetes fairy didn’t magically bonk me on the head and make me able to eat rice…or noodles…. or sourdough bread.

I really have to learn how to manage this disease on the run. I’m ok when I’m at home and able to plan what I’m going to eat and have a captive fridge near by but once I get out and about it’s hard to know what to bring with me. What travels well…what I can eat on the ‘go’? Forget remembering to eat…that’s only half the issue. I haven’t even been to a restaurant since my diagnoses and I work ridicules hours, which keep me away from home, and make it harder to eat at scheduled times. I had hoped that I would get a routine down quickly while my work schedule was slower, before festival season kicked in. But that hasn’t happened and now that work is getting busier I’m learning by trail and error…. well…. mostly error.

So I’m going to look back on all of this someday and laugh…right? Come on….lie to me.

1 comment:

Ottoette said...

Yes, someday we will all look back and laugh!
Have you tried brown rice? I'm such a mess right now, I can't really tell it's affect, but it sure isn't like white rice. Too bad they don't make sushi with brown rice!
I'm really enjoying your blog! Thanks!