Wednesday, June 14, 2006

When I was diagnosed with diabetes two things happened

I ended my love affair with chocolate and I was flung into the only diet I would ever be motivated enough to stick with. Fear of complications is a powerful motivation to eat right…. and I have a healthy fear. I like my eyesight and I’ve grown kind of fond of having feet…. so I’m doing my best to keep my blood glucose level within ‘range’…. and as a result I’m living, breathing and eating by the ‘meter’. To say my BG numbers obsesses me is an understatement. I test first thing in the morning and up to 8 times there after. Body feeling different…. better test. Got a high reading…. better test every damn hour until it goes down. Nuts…I know, but I’m not able to stop myself…. it’s a compulsion. Of course I was only diagnosed two months ago so there is hope that this obsession will stop on its own in time.

I’m making everyone around me crazy…. even though they love me (and I know they love me) they are sick to death of hearing about my life as a diabetic…they don’t want me announcing my BG levels…they don’t want me to qualify what I can eat “because my level is low enough” or complain what I can’t eat “because my number is too high”. They don’t want to know that Metformin is making my stomach do back flips or what new medicine I want to try and they are pretty sick of watching me test my blood. Heck I’m getting a little sick of myself….

So here I am….this blog is an attempt to make sense of what’s happening with my body while sparing those I love from having to smile politely and fein interest.

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