Thursday, July 06, 2006

Diabetic Education Class

Today was part one of a two-part class with the CDE that I went to a month after I was diagnosed. I stumbled out of bed at 6am because it now takes an act of congress to get me out of the house on time…. you know the drill…. get up early enough to take my thyroid meds (which need to be taken on a empty stomach an hour before eating) test my FBG, take the dogs out to do their business, start the coffee, find something to wear, and finally eat. That last one requires me standing in front of the frig muttering under my breath about how much this sucks for a few minutes until I break down and eat something. I left the house with 45 minutes to spare and still ended up a few minutes late. I thought I would get stuck in the back of the room without a desk because I didn’t get there early enough and surely the room would be brimming from all the newly diagnosed…. Only myself and other woman there…. two people…. with the amount of people being diagnosed every year you would think it would be standing room only in a diabetes class. The fact that it’s not is pretty discouraging…. there are too many people not taking control if their disease.

I really do like the CDE…. she strikes me as a pretty down to earth no nonsense kind of person and I didn’t hate sitting there for 3 hours. Whether I actually learned anything is another matter…. I think she was right when she questioned whether she would be able to teach me anything that I hadn’t already learned on my own…. but that’s ok.

There was a Nurse there that talked about diabetes meds and mentioned Byetta. Seems everyone involved with diabetes care is amazed at the results their patients have had so far. I’ll be mentioning it to Dr. N when I see him on the 20th. Also looking into Starlix if for some reason Byetta isn’t available to me. I really want to knock those peaks I’m having down.

Because there were only two of us the class moved faster then they had expected and I got out of there at 11am. Next weeks class is at the same bat time and the same bat station.

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