Thursday, July 20, 2006

Doctor visit, A1c Results and being smarter then what you’re dealing with

Filed under: Being smarter then what you’re dealing with:
For the life of me I can’t seem to answer anyone’s comments. Not in my email program, not on this blog site. Very frustrating to say the least…. and I’m sure people are starting to think I’m a rude *itch. Well…. I am a rude ‘youknowwhat’, just not about THIS. So sorry George (you made me laugh by the way…. just when I needed it too) and Randi (yes I’m on Metformin, but alas no Byetta for me…. I hope you stop by again)

My doctor’s appointment was this morning at 8am. 8am is an UNGODLY hour and waking up with a headache from hell didn’t help either. I’ve been sick for two days with this stomach cramp ‘icky don’t wanna wander too far from the commode’ thing so I was really in fine form this morning.

So my A1c….drum roll please….is…..5.8. Not bad, I’m pretty happy with it. But I know how it got that way too. Not from having necessarily the best numbers but from having highs followed by really low lows. So Dr. N and I talked about that for a bit. My numbers don’t make me a good candidate for Byetta, but he gave me a prescription for Starlix. He said he hadn’t ever given it to anyone with this low of a A1c but he knew I tested all the time so he felt comfortable prescribing it to me. He asked me to call him in a month and tell him what my numbers were looking like and other then that he’ll see me again in October. Oh and I haven’t lost any more weight…. 164 and holding. My cholesterol is 120…good is up, bad is really low (can’t remember the numbers will have to get his nurse to email them to me) but he did say they were ‘insanely low’.

Quit date for smoking is August 18th….which also happens to be my birthday. We will see how well THAT goes….


Ottoette said...

5.8 is quite good. Yeah Monika! Don't you just love Shrinking Mom? She cracks me up. What was your A1C when you were diagnosed?

Bernice said...

Monika I just strolled over from Shrinking mom's and was wondering if you could send me the pages you were talking about?

George said...

Monika, don't even worry about the comment thing. I am glad I made you laugh. It's one of the few things I am good at besides hopscotch.

Anyhow, would you mind if i tagged along with you and made the 18th my quitting smoking day too? I need, want, have to quit but the last time I tried, i failed miserbly. Maybe we can rant to eachother about it. Lemme know!

Anonymous said...

Do you think avian flu is going to be a problem ?

I heard it would hit USA & Canada this fall.

Is there anything to the avian flu panic ?