Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Yep…still here

The daughter’s car is broken again. My best friends granddaughter was the victim of shaken baby syndrome and her son-in-law now finds himself in jail as a result. One of my employees and I are not seeing eye to eye…. on anything…and are fighting like cats and dogs. Krystal and her boyfriend are moving over 600 miles away. The city is giving me a hard time about Mr. Man’s classic car parked in our driveway and wants to fine us $2000 if we don’t either put it in ‘our’ garage or behind a 6 foot fence both of which the city has refused to give us a permit to build. My friend and soon to be business partner was just diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and is in the hospital undergoing chemotherapy.

Stress…big time and all over the place and as a result my BG has been big time all over the place. Not just weird highs but strange lows. I’ve had a hard time predicting what my BG will do. How much fun is that…. and in the big scheme of things when you consider child abuse and cancer my BG levels being askew is minor.

I’m finally really truly at 160 pounds and according to Dr. N I only have 20 pounds left to lose…. I’d like to lose 25. It’s been slow going and I’ve had moments of discouragement, which is what I get for being impatient. My hatred of exercising has once again reared its ugly head. I haven’t walked in a week and all my exercise bike is doing is collecting dust…. (Note to self…. DUST ALREADY…. sheesh…slob).

My smoking quit date is 18 days away (as is my 46th birthday). What in the hell was I thinking choosing my birthday as my quit day? I’m buying packs two at a time because of this handy ‘buy one, get one free’ thing that camel has going on…. really not conducive to quitting…. but it’s ‘buy one, get of free’ for Pete’s sake.

and now for something a little different: YUMMY

4 medium tomatoes cut into wedges
½ cup of thinly sliced sweet onion
2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon distilled white vinegar
¼ teaspoon kosher salt
¼ teaspoon ground pepper

1-pound boneless rib-eye steak, about 1 inch thick, trimmed of fat and cut into 4 portions
½ teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
¼ teaspoon kosher salt
¼ teaspoon ground pepper
Chimichurri Sauce

1) Preheat grill to high
2) TO PREPARE SALAD: combine tomatoes, onion, oil and vinegar in medium bowl. Season with salt and pepper.
3) TO PREPARE STEAK: rub steak with oil, season on both sides with salt and pepper, grill 3 to 4 minutes per side for medium rare. Let it rest for 5 minutes and serve with salad on the side and a dollop of Chimichurri sauce on top.

Chimichurri Sauce:
1 cup packed flat-leaf parsley leaves
1 small clove garlic chopped
3 tablespoons distilled white vinegar
4 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
½ teaspoon kosher salt
¼ teaspoon ground chipotle pepper or cayenne pepper

Chop parsley and garlic on the cutting board together until finely minced, put it in a bowl, add the oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, stir….

It makes 4 servings....307 calories 18g fat, and most importantly 9g carbohydrates!!

Ok….just checked my BG….73….off to eat a PBJ sandwich….and yes I know how anti climatic that this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, and thanks for sending me you address...I visit this blog quite often, a good way to keep in touch with you. I am so peoud to be your mother, you are a brave woman!!!
Good luck with quitting smoking, I too had to quit a habit I really enjoyed at about your age...it seems to be a good time in our lives to adress our habits. I know that you will be sucessfull, you are such a strong woman!! Thanks again for sharing your blog. I love you, MOM