Monday, June 26, 2006

It's my party and I'll whine if I want to

I’ve been feeling particularly icky lately. My BG levels have been bouncing all over the place. I’m not eating the way I should, I’ve forgot to pack a lunch everyday last week and again today…. I’m just not all that interested in food. The food I know I can eat just doesn’t sound appetizing. I’m tired all the time and I’m sick of managing this disease. I just want everything to go back to the way it was when I was blissfully unaware I was diabetic. I’m sick of having to think about what I’m going to eat…. I’m sick of having to plan meals…. I’m sick of having to test my blood…I’m sick of having to take medication. I haven’t lost any more weight, even though I’m walking and riding my exercise bike. I’m not eating things I shouldn’t; I’m just not eating much of anything. Meal planning just seems like too much work right now. I miss the days when I could just grab something from a drive thru because I was too tired after work to come home and deal with cooking. This disease turns everything into a major production…. and I’m not in major production mode.

Yes I’m having my own little pity party…..only I don’t even get to have cake.

1 comment:

Ottoette said...

Amen, sister.