Monday, July 17, 2006

Appointment with the vampires and blue funk Monday

Yep…. had blood drawn this morning. Ass crack of dawn, empty stomach grumbling and BG steadily rising, I managed to drive through Austin morning rush hour traffic (took me 45 minutes) and got out of there in less then ten minutes. Rather then drive all the way back home I just drove thru McDeath and came straight to work. My results will be ready in plenty of time for my appointment with Dr. N on Thursday.

I’m been nervous about the results of this test…. it’s my first A1c since my diagnoses and I’ve convinced myself that THIS A1c is of major importance. Forget that my diabetes isn’t going away…. that I’ll be diabetic for the rest of my life…. that the changes I’m making will be required for life if I plan on controlling this decease rather then the other way around…. forget all of that…. this result BIG DEAL in my pea brain mind.

More then just the emotional issues around diabetes (those I can handle) the financial issues are kicking my butt. Medicine, doctor visits, test strips….it costs more to eat right (or I’m just lame and can’t figure out how to do this on the cheap). No big deal if gas prices hadn’t sky rocketed too. I’m borrowing from Peter to pay Paul….and the stress isn’t helping my BG levels….and I’m one of the luck ones…there are people out there who have it worse then me. How do that do it….how do they cope?

I’m just a whiner today….on an emotional low. It’ll pass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about eating right is expensive. But come on we all know that, why do you think a bottle of water cost twice what a bottle of pop does?